Posting Schedule, Twitter And Kindle?

Posting Schedule: I’m going to try to do two posts a week. I usually have Wednesday or Thursday off from my night job, so that’ll be my writing night, so you can expect a new story every Thursday. Either Monday or Tuesday (I haven’t decided yet), I’ll try to put together at least some sort of update…kind of like this one, or a quick(ie) story…depending on what’s going on in my life.

Come Find Me On Twitter: I’ve been spending a lot of time hanging out on Twitter. Because of my two jobs, I’m not on all of the time, but when I am on, I’ve been having a lot of fun meeting all sorts of people and chatting about just about anything and everything. So cum find me on Twitter, I love hearing from all of you awesome readers.

Kindle Book Coming Soon?: This probably what I’m most excited about. One of my new Twitter friends suggested I look into putting together a Kindle book. I did and it looks pretty easy to self-publish a book or even just a story. I was thinking off with just story to test the waters. It would probably be a post from my past revisited, edited and polished up. What do you think?


If you enjoyed this post, check out all of my stories on Amazon.


Filed under Sex

14 Responses to Posting Schedule, Twitter And Kindle?

  1. John

    I think that’s an excellent idea! It’s probably going to perfect nonetheless. :)

  2. Depending on what you want to write about, I think it would be an awesome project.
    Have you pondered what you would write about, exactly?

    • Amy

      Right now, I’m thinking it would start with how lost my anal virginity, got the Anal Amy nickname. Then I would rewrite and fine tune some of what I’m calling my best of. See where it goes from there.

  3. Matt

    So glad to see you’re back! I’ve missed your amazing stories. I read about your trouble with getting all the old stories back from tech support, being unable to use it, and still missing several of your work… There’s always a way on the internet, I’ve found and managed to recover all the stories, from 2006-2009 (in individual dated/titled text files).. I’m sure I’m not the only one that would like to see them back online. Let me know if I can send them to you somehow.

    • Amy

      Really Matt! With the help of tech support I wasn’t even able to go that far back! I’ll shoot you over an email when I’m not at work.

  4. Paige

    I love this idea. I don’t own a kindle, but a very close friend of mine does and I bet he would download it in a heartbeat. I’m excited to hear that you’re venturing out. I hope your sexploits allow for regular posting (for your sake and ours). :-)

    • Amy

      From what I’ve been learning the past few days, you don’t even need a Kindle to read Kindle books. They have software computers and apps for phones that is free. That was one of my concerns too.

      Sex life is kinda slow right now, but I have a feeling…or at least a hope that it’ll pick up.

      • Paige

        You’d think I would have known that, considering I have the kindle app on both my computer *and* my iPhone. Oy…

        Sorry things are slow. I’m sure they’ll pick up soon.

  5. P

    The book idea is an awesome one.

  6. longtime reader

    Glad you’re back Amy. Yours was really the only “sex blog” I ever read with regularity. Mostly because of how real you are. Sounds like your finding some peace in your life. As a fellow midwesterner all I can say is enjoy the warm weather in FL. I’ll retire there someday!

    Just keep writing on whatever schedule works for you!

    • Amy

      Thanks it feels good to be back and writing.

      I’m starting to miss the midwest weather. It’s been in the 90′s with extra humidity for weeks now.

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